Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 31 (15 août 2022) commentaires et rétroaction

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Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

Name unknown

"It is beyond belief that changes are being considered as proposed for the Sawn River-Dauphin area. We live on the extreme west boundary of Minitonas-Bowsman municipality. To have the Swan Valley West and Minitonas-Bowsman municipalities divided that would have our neighbors ½ mile to the west voting in the current riding and our area voting in "Churchill" is absurd! The current northern boundary should be left unchanged for Dauphin-Swan River Riding. The residents of thiese [sic] areas are is [sic] all of the same economic [sic] type, rural agricultural economic region. The Churchill riding is focused more on resources and mining. VERY different from our Region."

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